Our COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Valet Operations

We’re now health/safety certified by American Ratings Corp., demonstrating our superior knowledge, training, and commitment to following recommended COVID-19 health and safety protocols.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
All About Parking is committed to helping our customers and community slow the spread of COVID-19. To ensure the safety and health of our employees, customers and guests, we have initiated the following COVID-19 procedures per CDC Guidelines:
Our employees must:
- Complete a self-screening survey daily which certifies that they are symptom-free and have not been exposed to COVID-19;
- Wear disposable surgical masks throughout the workday;
- Wear disposable gloves when parking cars and sanitizing equipment;
- Properly dispose of PPE per CDC guidelines;
- Avoid handshakes and touching face;
- Maintain a minimum 6-feet distance from customers whenever possible;
- Sanitize frequently touched surfaces after customer’s car has been moved or parked (e.g. steering wheel, door handle, gear shift, keys).
- Sanitize other frequently touched surfaces hourly (e.g. EV charging ports, touch-screens, podiums, lobby entry doors, etc.);
- Wash hands per CDC guidelines before and after wearing masks/gloves, before returning to the podium from a meal or bathroom break;
- Use hand sanitizer while at the valet podium;
- Cough or sneeze using a tissue and discard immediately, and wash/sanitize hands after
- “Safe-Park” sanitization guidelines from National Parking Association
Most importantly, our employees are to remain at home if they are sick, and are immediately sent home if they exhibit any signs of a fever (such as elevated body temperature, body aches or chills). We continue to monitor CDC recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and will update these protocols as needed.

To Learn How We Can Help You Navigate Safely in this Era of COVID-19: